Power Tools EZConfig Utilities 197
E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC MX6 Reference Guide
Key Value Description
StartMenu 1 0=Disable
OK 1 0=Disable OK button
1=Enable OK button
Menu 3 0=No Menu,
1= Default Menu + No Exit + No View,
2=Default Menu + No Exit,
3=Default Menu
ListViewIconSpacingY 80 EasyMenu ListView vertical icon spacing
ListViewIconSpacingX 75 EasyMenu ListView horizontal icon
ListViewGradient 1
Default: 0
Determines whether the gradient
background (Horizontal blue and white
lines) appear on the window.
0=Disable ListView gradient background,
1=Enable ListView gradient background
Mask Password 1
Default: 1
Defines if characters entered into password
dialogs should be masked.
TodayScreenSessionTimeout 0
Default: 0
Sets the Today screen session timeout.The
value specifies the number of hours before
the device will return to the today screen
when the devices is left in Suspend Mode.
Set to 0 to disable.