
172 Power Tools EZConfig Utilities
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Command Line Options
Field Description
Path Enter the location of the .exe on the mobile device.
Arguments Enter the command line argument you want applied when the application
launches. By default, the /x<filename> command line argument
populates this field when an application is entered in the Path field. To
enter another command line argument specific to the application
launching, delete this argument and type in the one you want.
/q Quiet mode
/s Full screen
/o No menu
/e Exit if first scan fails to deliver a valid barcode
/u Accept (decode) unsecure barcodes
/x<filename> Executes the configuration file, both configuration
and registry documents
Execute Tells EZConfig Client to launch the application after decoding the
barcode. Execute selects automatically when an application is entered in
the Path field. You cannot de-select Execute for configuration
documents. You can de-select Execute for registry documents; however,
EZConfig Client cannot update the registry unless Execute is selected.
For more information, see Default Application Association.
Wait Until
Tells EZConfig Client to wait until the associated application is finished
processing before finalizing.