186 Power Tools EZConfig Utilities
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Key Description Available Values
Hex value of the printer serial service to use
Default value: 1101
Hex value
Friendly name of the printer
Default: N/A
Printer name
Bluetooth Default Printer Values
In general, to establish a printer as a Bluetooth Favorite Device, you must establish the printer as a
Bluetooth Favorite on the mobile device. The problem is that Bluetooth Favorite settings are
stored in RAM memory and therefore erased during each cold boot. The Default Printer section
stores these settings permanently in the DeviceConfig.EXM file so the printer remains a Favorite
after a hard reset.
Furthermore, you can distribute a DeviceConfig.EXM file with the printer settings to multiple
mobile devices. After DeviceConfig.exe applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.EXM file
(launched manually or after a hard reset), the printer is set up as a Favorite automatically, without
any special configuration to each device.
After you have established a printer as a Bluetooth Favorite Device on an individual mobile
device, you obtain the values for the Address and Service keys from the registry.
The fastest way to do this is via RegEdit.
Obtain MAC Address
1. Tap Start > Power Tools > RegEdit
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Socket Communications >
Bluetooth > Socket BT Com Port.
3. Copy the Value Data in the Remote Address field. This is the MAC address of the printer.
4. Enter this address in the Address key in the Bluetooth > DefaultPrinter section of the
DeviceConfig.EXM file.
Hex Value of the Printer’s Serial Service
1. Tap Start > Power Tools > RegEdit
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Socket Communications |
BtDevWin | 1.0 | Devices | [MAC Address] | Services.
3. Copy the first number underneath Services. This is the hex value for the Service key field;
“1101” in the illustration above.
Note: For detailed information about RegEdit, see “RegEdit”.