108 Settings Options
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Regional Settings
Access: Start | Settings | System tab | Regional Settings
No change from general desktop PC Regional Settings Properties options. Adjust the settings and
tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Factory Default Settings
Regional Setting English (United States)
Number 123,456,789.00 / -123,456,789.00 neg
Currency $123,456,789.00 pos / ($123,456,789.00) neg
Time h:mm:ss tt (tt=AM or PM)
Short Date M/d/yy
Long Date dddd,MMMM,dd,yyyy
Remove Programs
Access: Start | Settings | System tab | Remove Programs
Tap the name of the program in storage memory, then tap Remove. Tap OK to close this option.
Changes take place immediately.
User installed device drivers, when removed, require a hard reset to completely remove the
You can also adjust memory allocated for programs by tapping the “Adjust memory allocation”
link at the bottom of the screen.