192 Power Tools EZConfig Utilities
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Key Value Description
Title Imaging Demos Specifies the title of the application.
AutoConnect 0 Enables and disables Autoconnect mode.
Default: 1 (Disable)
0=Disable. If disabled, the imager will be
initialized when the utility starts and un-
initialized when the utility terminates
(consumes more power).
1=Enable. If enabled, the imager will be
automatically initialized and un-initialized as
needed. A slight delay will occur when the
trigger is activated, but less power is
Zoom 35 Set the zoom level of the preview image
during capture.
Sound 1 Default=1 (Dnable)
0=Enable audio notification after each image
acquisition. Default=1 (enable)
1: Disable audio notification after each image
AutoCaptureInterval 0 0=Disabled. 0 specifies the autocapture
interval in milliseconds.
Enables the AutoCapture mode, in which an
image is captured automatically every certain
number of milliseconds.
AutoCaptureLocalView 1 0=Enables displaying a local view of the
images autocaptured.
1=Disables displaying a local view of the
images autocaptured.
CurrentProfile Normal Set the Default Image Profile.
ProfilePath /IPSM/
Imaging Profiles/
Location where the Image Profile files are
ProfileExt pro Set the Image Profile extension.
AutoSave 1 0=Enables saving the image captured to a
local file (\imagedemo.jpg).
1=Disables saving the image captured to a
local file (\imagedemo.jpg)