1. Choose a weak contact somewhere near the edge of the screen and concentrate
on that, while adjusting the gain control in small steps - allowing at least two sec-
onds between each step - until the chosen contact is as big, bright and consistent
as possible.
2. Click the [TUNE] button on the InstantAccess bar to display [TUNE MAN].
3. Put the cursor on the tuning bar.
4. Spin the scrollwheel to tune. The best tuning point is where the bar swings maxi-
mum. The arrow below the bar shows the tuning control position; not the tuning
2.3 Presentation Modes
This radar has the following presentation modes in the radar mode:
Relative Motion (RM)
Head-up: Unstabilized.
Head-up TB: Head-up with compass-stabilized bearing scale (True Bearing) where
the bearing scale rotates with the compass reading.
Course-up: Compass-stabilized relative to ship's orientation at the time of selecting
North-up: Compass-stabilized with reference to North.
True Motion (TM)
North-up: Ground- or sea-stabilized with compass and speed inputs.
Mode availability
*Not available with IMO or A type.
2.3.1 How to select a presentation mode
How to select a presentation mode from the Control Unit
Push the MODE key consecutively to select radar presentation mode desired. The
Range/Presentation mode box shows the current presentation mode.
Radar Chart radar
Course-up Yes Yes
Head-up RM Yes No
Head-up TB RM Yes No
North-up RM Yes Yes
North-up TM Yes Yes
Stern-up* Yes No