2.38.3 RACON
A RACON is a radar beacon which emits radar receivable signals in the radar frequen-
cy spectrum (X- or S-band). There are several signal formats; in general, the RACON
signal appears on the radar screen as a rectangular echo originating at a point just
beyond the position of the radar beacon. It has a Morse coded pattern. Note that the
position on the radar display is not accurate.
2.38.4 Radar Target Enhancer (RTE)
An RTE is a radar transponder that is mounted on navigation buoys and masts of
small crafts to significantly improve their detection by radar. Unlike a SART or RA-
CON, which are passive, the RTE receives a radar signal, amplifies it and re-transmits
it, with the intention of making the target's signal look larger on a radar display. The
RTE can be detected on both X-band and S-band radars.