12.3.2 How to use the User Chart page
The [User Chart] page lets you link user charts to routes. To link a user chart, click the
box to the left of the user chart name in the [Stored User Chart] list to show a check-
mark. Click the << button to copy that name to the [Linked User Chart] list. To de-link
a user chart, click the box to the left of the user chart name in the [Linked User Chart]
list then click the >> button to erase the name. The contents of each user chart are
shown in the [Contents] window.
Linked User Chart: List of user charts linked with selected route.
Stored User Chart: List of stored user charts.
<< button: Link a stored used chart. Check the chart in the [Stored user chart] list then
click this button. The user chart name is then copied to the [Linked User Chart] list.
>> button: Click to remove selected (checkmarked) user chart from the [Linked User
Chart] list.
Contents: Lists the objects saved to the user chart selected.
12.3.3 How to use the Optimize page
After all waypoints are inserted and you have made safe water calculation, you can
optimize your route, on the [Optimize] page. If not chosen, then optimization will be
done automatically with max. speed. If you want do optimization with a specific strat-
egy, see section 12.8 for how to optimize a route.