Type: Select optimization strategy: maximum speed, time table, maximum profit, or
minimum cost. A route may only be modified when using the north-up or course-up
Set ETD: Set date, time and waypoint to start from.
Parameters: Set the parameters for optimization, speed limit and income (max profit).
Edit Cost Parameters button: Enter fuel consumption figures. See section 21.2.
Set ETA: For type [Time table], set the date and time that you want to arrive at the
waypoint selected.
Optimized Speed/ETA: The optimized speed for the date and time entered at [Set
ETA] appears here, after clicking the [Calculate] button.
Calculate button: Click to calculate optimization.
12.3.4 How to use the Alert parameters page
The [Alert Parameters] page lets you define conditions along a route for which you
want to be alerted, by visual or audible indication. Put a red circle to get a visual alert
(highlight the corresponding areas in red on the chart) and an aural alert. Put a yellow
circle to get a visual alert. You can choose the safety contour and chart alerts used to
check the safety of the route. This allows you to check the safety with conditions dif-
ferent from those chosen for system use. This is useful when making a route for dif-
ferent loading or sailing conditions.
Radio buttons, input boxes Alert items
Item Description Item Description
Check type Check how to apply the alerts,
to every leg or individual leg.
Draught/m Ship’s draught
Set the safety contour (in
Safety Contour Deep contour chosen for chart
alert calculation. Use the key-
board on the Control Unit or
spin the scrollwheel to set val-
UKC Limit Under keel clearance limit. Areas to be
Areas to be avoided
Date (UTC) A chart may have date-depen-
dent features. Enter the actual
data of embarkation to know
date-dependent features.
User Chart
User chart danger area
Click each box to show one of the following:
- Red circle (Audio+visual alerts)
- Yellow circle (Visual alert)