Important notices
• If you are using both services (ENC and SENC deliveries) having the same chart
name loaded into the system through both deliveries, priority of displaying the chart
is in ENC delivery.
• Chart updates for ENC delivery are only for charts of ENC delivery and chart up-
dates for SENC delivery is only for charts of SENC delivery. You have to keep
charts up-to-date separately.
• If you change from ENC delivery to SENC delivery, remove old charts from the sys-
tem before loading charts from new delivery.
10.7 Chart Display
10.7.1 Introduction
C-MAP charts are S57 charts displayed together with ENC (S57) and CM93/3 charts.
These charts have the priority order shown below.
1. CM- ENC
2. C-MAP 93/3 Prof and C-MAP 93/3 Prof+
If the same navigational purpose charts are available over an area, priority is as shown
above. Areas where ENC is not available CM-ENC charts are shown. Where C-MAP
Prof or CM93 Prof+ are available, CM 93/3 charts are displayed.
The chart legend provides various data about the chart currently displayed. To find
info for current position, click the [TM/CU Reset] button then click the [Chart INFO] but-
ton on the InstantAccess bar followed by the [Chart Legend] button. To find info for a
specific location, put the cursor on the location then right-click and select [Chart Leg-
end]. Click the Close button to close the display.
This system is capable of showing more than one chart at a time. This feature is called
the multi-chart display. If one chart does not cover the whole display, the system will
open more chart cells for display, if appropriate cells for the displayed area are avail-
able. The chart legend shows information about charts displayed on the electronic
chart display area.
Name: Name of chart.
Source: Source of chart.
Edition: Edition number of the chart.
Edition Date: Date the edition was published.
Update Number: Update number
Chart Legend