If you want to review updates after the initial approval of the updates do the following:
1. Use [Approved until] to set the begin date for the update highlight. See the next
2. Use [Display date] to set the end date for the update highlight. See the next sec-
3. Review the changes. Added features are highlighted with orange circles. Re-
moved features are highlighted with orange slashes. Changed features are high-
lighted with both orange circles and slashes.
4. After reviewing, set [Approved until] and [Display date] back to the current system
9.3.3 How to set Display date and Approved until dates
Click the [Chart INFO] and [Viewing Dates] button on the InstantAccess bar to show
the [Viewing Date] dialog box. Set desired dates then click the [Close] button.
9.3.4 About chart viewing date dependency of S57 standard
How the issue date of updates changes the visibility of the changes
Study the example below to understand the behavior of updates relative to date.
The figure above shows how updates are dependent Chart viewing dates set in Dis-
play/Approved date settings by user. Actions 1 to 4 areas as follows:
1. Base cell including three updates is converted into SENC. Display date is set as
current date of the system. Approve date has to be set to current date.
1 2 3 4
Update 3
Update 2
Update 1
Base cell