1.22 How to View Chart Software Version No., Chart
System Information, and Operator's Manual
You can show chart (ECDIS) program no., chart system information, and the opera-
tor's manual as follows:.
1. Click the [Operating Mode] button at the left end of the Status bar to select [Chart
for Radar].
2. Click the [?] button on the Status bar.
3. Select [Manual] to show the operator's manual, or [About] to show chart and sys-
tem information.
On the [About] screen, click the [Version] tab to show the chart (ECDIS) software ver-
sion no., conning software version no., S52 presentation library version, ENC user
permit no., and C-MAP SDK software version no. Click the [System] tab to show sys-
tem information: CPU type, RAM capacity, SSD free/SSD capacity and Unified ID. The
numbers you see may be different from those in the illustration below.
1.23 Tips (operational guidance)
This chart radar provides operational tips for the display area, InstantAccess bar and
Mark box. To get a tip, simply put the cursor on the object. For example, put the cursor
on the [Capture] button on the InstantAccess bar. The tip "Capture screenshot" ap-
If you do not need the tips, you can turn them off with [TIPS GUIDANCE] in the [INI-
[?] button