342 Sensors
Power Supplies Probes
The power supplies probes provides information on:
• Status of the power supplies
• Power supply redundancy, that is, the ability of the redundant
power supply to replace the primary power supply if the primary
power supply fails.
NOTE: If there is only one power supply in the system, the Power Supply
Redundancy will be set to Disabled.
Removable Flash Media Probes
The Removable Flash Media sensor provides information about the vFlash
SD card status (active or absent). For more information about the vFlash SD
card, see "Configuring vFlash SD Card and Managing vFlash Partitions" on
page 269.
Power Monitoring Probes
Power monitoring provides information about the real time consumption of
power, in watts and amperes.
You can also view a graphical representation of the consumption of power for
the last minute, last hour, last day, or last week from the current time set in
the iDRAC6.
Temperature Probe
The temperature sensor provides information about the system board
ambient temperature. The temperature probe indicates whether the status of
the probe is within the pre-set warning and critical threshold value.