Using the iDRAC6 Configuration Utility 305
Domain Name If Domain Name from DHCP is set to Off, press <Enter> to
edit the Current Domain Name text field. Press <Enter>
when you have finished editing. Press <Esc> to return to the
previous menu. The domain name must be a valid DNS
domain, for example
Host Name String Press <Enter> to edit. Enter the name of the host for
Platform Event Trap (PET) alerts.
LAN Alert Enabled Select On to enable the PET LAN alert.
Alert Policy Entry 1 Select Enable or Disable to activate the first alert destination.
Alert Destination 1 If LAN Alert Enabled is set to On, enter the IP address where
PET LAN alerts will be forwarded.
IPv4 Settings Enable or disable support for the IPv4 connection.
IPv4 Select Enabled or Disabled IPv4 protocol support.
RMCP+ Encryption
Press <Enter> to edit the value and <Esc> when finished.
The RMCP+ Encryption key is a 40-character hexadecimal
string (characters 0-9, a-f, and A-F). RMCP+ is an IPMI
extension that adds authentication and encryption to IPMI.
The default value is a string of 40 0s (zeros).
IP Address Source Select between DHCP and Static. When DHCP is selected,
the Ethernet IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway
fields are obtained from a DHCP server. If no DHCP server is
found on the network, the fields are set to zeros.
When Static is selected, the Ethernet IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway items become editable.
Ethernet IP Address If the IP Address Source is set to DHCP, this field displays the
IP address obtained from DHCP.
If the IP Address Source is set to Static, enter the IP address
you want to assign to the iDRAC6.
The default is
Subnet Mask If the IP Address Source is set to DHCP, this field displays the
subnet mask address obtained from DHCP.
If the IP Address Source is set to Static, enter the subnet mask
for the iDRAC6. The default is
Table 17-1. LAN Parameters
Item Description