Power Monitoring and Management 295
racadm config -g cfgServerPower -o
cfgServerPowerCapWatts <power cap value in Watts>
racadm config -g cfgServerPower -o
cfgServerPowerCapBTUhr <power cap value in BTU/hr>
racadm config -g cfgServerPower -o
cfgServerPowerCapPercent <power cap value in % >
racadm config -g cfgServerPower -o
cfgServerPowerCapEnable=<1 to enable, 0 to disable>
NOTE: When setting the power budget threshold in BTU/hr, the conversion to
Watts is rounded to the nearest integer. When reading the power budget threshold
back, the Watts to BTU/hr conversion is again rounded in this manner. As a result,
the value written could be nominally different than the value read; for example, a
threshold set to 600 BTU/hr will be read back as 601 BTU/hr.
Viewing Power Monitoring
Using the Web Interface
To view the power monitoring data:
Log in to the iDRAC6 Web interface.
Power Monitoring
in the system tree. The
Power Monitoring
page displays.
The information provided on the Power Monitoring page is described below:
Power Monitoring
indicates that the power supply units are present and
communicating with the server,
indicates that a warning alert was
issued, and
indicates a failure alert was issued.
Probe Name
: System Board System Level. This description indicates the
probe is being monitored by its location in the system.
: The current power consumption in Watts/BTU/hr.