
Configuring vFlash SD Card and Managing vFlash Partitions 273
Enabling or Disabling the vFlash or Standard SD Card
Open a telnet/SSH/Serial console to the server, log in, and enter the following
To enable vFlash or standard SD card:
racadm config -g cfgvFlashsd -o cfgvflashSDEnable
To disable vFlash or standard SD card:
racadm config -g cfgvFlashsd -o cfgvflashSDEnable
NOTE: The RACADM command functions only if a vFlash or standard SD card is
present. If a card is not present, the following message is displayed:
Card not present
Initializing the vFlash or Standard SD Card
Open a telnet/SSH/Serial console to the server, log in, and enter the following
command to initialize the card:
racadm vflashsd initialize
All existing partitions are deleted and the card is reset.
Getting the Last Status on the vFlash or Standard SD Card
Open a telnet/SSH/Serial console to the server, log in, and enter the following
command to get the status of the last initialize command sent to the vFlash
or standard SD card:
racadm vFlashsd status
NOTE: This command only shows the status of commands sent to the SD card. To
get the status of commands sent to individual partitions on the SD card use the
racadm vflashpartition status
Resetting the vFlash or Standard SD Card
Open a telnet/SSH/Serial console to the server, log in, and enter:
racadm vflashsd initialize