232 Using the iDRAC6 SM-CLP Command Line Interface
SM-CLP Features
The SM-CLP promotes the concept of verbs and targets to provide system
management capabilities through the CLI. The verb indicates the operation
to perform, and the target determines the entity (or object) that runs the
Below is an example of the SM-CLP command line syntax.
<verb> [<options>] [<target>] [<properties>]
During a typical SM-CLP session, you can perform operations using the verbs
listed in Table 11-1.
Using SM-CLP
SSH (or Telnet) in to the iDRAC6 with correct credentials.
The SMCLP prompt (/admin1->) is displayed.
SM-CLP Targets
Table 11-2 provides a list of targets provided through the SM-CLP to support
the operations described in Table 11-1 above.
Table 11-1. Supported CLI Verbs for System
Verb Definition
cd Navigates through the MAP using the shell
set Sets a property to a specific value
help Displays help for a specific target
reset Resets the target
show Displays the target properties, verbs, and subtargets
start Turns on a target
stop Shuts down a target
exit Exits from the SM-CLP shell session
version Displays the version attributes of a target
load Moves a binary image to a specified target address from a URL