Advanced iDRAC6 Configuration 113
RACADM Synopsis
racadm -r <iDRAC6 IP Address> -u <username> -p
<password> <subcommand> <subcommand options>
racadm -i -r <iDRAC6 IP Address> <subcommand>
<subcommand options>
For example:
racadm -r -u root -p calvin getsysinfo
racadm -i -r getsysinfo
If the HTTPS port number of the iDRAC6 has been changed to a custom
port other than the default port (443), the following syntax must be used:
racadm -r <iDRAC6 IP Address>:<port> -u <username> -p
<password> <subcommand> <subcommand options>
racadm -i -r <iDRAC6 IP Address>:<port> <subcommand>
<subcommand options>
RACADM Options
Table 5-14 lists the options for the RACADM command.
Table 5-14. racadm Command Options
Option Description
-r <racIpAddr>
-r <racIpAddr>:<port
Specifies the controller’s remote IP address.
Use:<port number> if the iDRAC6 port number is not
the default port (443)
-i Instructs RACADM to interactively query the user for
user name and password.
-u <usrName> Specifies the user name that is used to authenticate
the command transaction. If the -u option is used, the
-p option must be used, and the -i option (interactive)
is not allowed.
-p <password> Specifies the password used to authenticate the
command transaction. If the -p option is used, the -i
option is not allowed.