
Monitoring and Alert Management 317
Temperature Warning Assert Filter
Temperature Critical Assert Filter
Intrusion Critical Assert Filter
Redundancy Degraded Filter
Redundancy Lost Filter
Processor Warning Assert Filter
Processor Critical Assert Filter
Processor AbsentCritical Assert Filter
Power Supply Warning Assert Filter
Power Supply Critical Assert Filter
Power Supply AbsentCritical Assert Filter
Event Log Critical Assert Filter
Watchdog Critical Assert Filter
System Power Warning Assert Filter
System Power Critical Assert Filter
Removable Flash Media Informational Assert Filter
Removable Flash Media Absent Informational Assert Filter
Removable Flash Media Critical Assert Filter
Removable Flash Media Warning Assert Filter
When a platform event occurs (for example, a fan probe failure), a system
event is generated and recorded in the System Event Log (SEL). If this event
matches a platform event filter (PEF) in the Platform Event Filters list in the
Web-based interface and you have configured this filter to generate an alert
(PET or e-mail), then a PET or e-mail alert is sent to a set of one or more
configured destinations.
If the same platform event filter is also configured to perform an action
(such as rebooting the system), the action is performed.
Configuring Platform Event Filters (PEF)
Configure your platform event filters before you configure the platform event
traps or e-mail alert settings.