
IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
Field Name Description
ICMP Not Echo Default No, responding to the message of ping, if select “Yes" not
responding to the message of ping.
Send Anonymous CID Default No, Have no Call out security function, send information of the
Gateway, if Select “Yes"do not send information of the Gateway
Bill signal Default Disable. Turn on polarity reversal functions to notice Billing system.
(Polarity Reversal, Tone_12K, Tone_16K). Support FXS Port
CPC Delay Default 2.When received the hang-up signal, how many seconds need to wait
to drop the Voltage to Zero. Support FXS Port.
CPC Duration Default time is 0ms.(No voltage dropped) When voltage dropped to Zero, how
many ms need to continue. Support FXS Port.
Send Flash event Default Disable , User could Select DTMF Event or SIP Info to Send flash
SIP Encrypt Default Disable , IPS-2000 Plus have INFINET, AVS, WALKERSUN1.
WALKERSUN2 four format for SIP encryption.
This service is provided by use environment.
PPPoE retry period Default is 5 Seconds. Set interval is [5~255]. When PPPoE dial failure, how
many seconds need to wait before redial.
System Log Server Provide system information which to store Log server address at the System.
System Log Type Default None (Disable).System Log information type. Provided None, Call
Statistics, General Debug, Call Statistics + General Debug, SIP Debug, Call
Statistics + SIP Debug, General Debug + SIP Debug, All.
3.6.6 FXO & FXS port
3.6.7 System Auth
To configure the user logins of the IPS-2000 Series.