IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
Check WAN port IP
#126# ◆Check the current IPS-2000 Series WAN port IP address
Check Firmware
Set DHCP client
#111# ◆Change to DHCP client setting
Set Static IP
#112XXX*XXX*XXX*XXX# ◆every X represent a number
Set Mask IP
Set Gateway IP
Set DNS Server
Set Codec
#130+[1-8]# ◆(1)G711 u-Law, (2)G711 a-Law, (3)G723.1,
(4)G729a ,(5)G726 16K, (6)G726 24K, (7)G726 32K,(8) G726 40K
Set the codec you want to the first priority
Set Handset Gain
Set Handset Volume
2.6 Inbound Function
1.Inbound means making phone call from PSTN line into FXO port of
IPS-2000 Series, then
transit to the Internet and reach the other end of VoIP gateway FXS. The process as below(A->B):
2.Outbound means making phone call from FXO line into PSTN port of IPS-2000 Series, then
transit to the Internet and reach the other end of VoIP gateway FXO. The process as below(B->A):
IPS-2000 Series Inbound Steps
[Step 1 Account Registration]
First make sure the IPS-2000 Series is successfully registered with your ISP, have a SIP number assigned to
you and also have a PSTN number from local telephone company.
[Step 2 Active Inbound/Outbound Function]