IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
Auto Update
Field Name Description
Update via Default is Off(Do not Auto Update). Automatically update environmental setting,
with TFTP, FTP and HTTP three ways
Check new
Default Scheduling( In accordance with schedules ). Checking Ways whether
have new Version for the Gateway
Power ON: Check whether have new Version for the Gateway at Power ON
Scheduling: Check whether have new Version for the Gateway In accordance
with schedules.
Scheduling (Date) Default is 14 days, Every once in the days when the gateway check whether have
new firmware Version for it Auto Update, the shortest one day, the Longest thirty
Scheduling (Time) Set time’s interval of checking new firmware for the gateway, Each section is
automatically generated. provides 4 Section for User’s Selecting
AM 00:00-05:59,AM 06:00-11:59, AM 12 : 00-17:59 AM 18:00 - 23:59.
Default is AM00:00-05:59
Automatic Update Automatically Updated, providing Notify only (notification messages only).