
IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
DMZ Setting
Field Name Description
DMZ Select to use DMZ. Removes the Router’s firewall protection from one
PC, allowing it to be “seen” from the Internet.
DMZ Host IP DMZ host IP address.
3.5 SIP setting
3.5.1 Service Domain
To configure the SIP service domain of IPS-2000 Series
Service Domain
Field Name Description
Make account active
z Up to 3 different SIP accounts can be registered and used in this page.
Check Active on , and fill in the SIP account information.
z Dial-out number is the first number registered (the first pick is the
number with “On” option). IF the first accounts could not be
registered automatically switch to register on the next account. Any
checked active and registered account can receive call.
Display Name
Display Name
User Name
Account user name or phone number here.
Register Name
Register name or phone number
Register Password
Register password
Domain Server
SIP server domain or IP
Proxy Server
SIP proxy server domain or IP
Outbound Proxy
Voice proxy server