IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
NAT VLAN Setting
VLAN Packets Select to use VLAN Packets. When you enable the VLAN Packets and set
the VID, User Priority, and CFI, then all the incoming packets with the
IPS-2000 Series’ IP address and the same VID will be accept by the
IPS-2000 Series. If the incoming packets with the IPS-2000 Series’ IP
address but the different VID then the packets will be discard by the
IPS-2000 Series. The Other incoming packets with different IP address will
go through the LAN port to the PC.
VID1 ~ 4 Set the VID. When you set your device in NAT mode, IPS-2000 Series can
help you to filter the wrong incoming packets. You can separate the other
device connected behind the IPS-2000 series into 4 VLAN group. You can
set different VID for these 4 groups. When the incoming packets go through
the IPS-2000 Series’ WAN port then the IPS-2000 Series will check the
VID, if the packets is not going to the IPS-2000 Series (with the IPS-2000
Series’ IP address and the correct VID), and the VID is not these four VID
you set, then the packets will be discard by the IPS-2000 Series.
3.3.5 SNTP Setting
To configure the SNTP settings of the IPS-2000 Series.
SNTP Setting
Field Name Description
Set to use SNTP time Server, check on to use.
Primary Server
Primary SNTP Server.
Secondary Server:
Secondary SNTP Server.
Time Zone
Local time zone.
Sync. Time
Sync. Time. Input the Sync. Time.
3.4 NAT Router
PS. Only IPS-2000N Plus has NAT router function. IPS-2000 Plus does not have NAT router function.