IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
2.4 System Registration and log on
2.4.1 Status LED Indicator Explanation (suitable for IPS-2000 Plus)
2.4.2 Status LED Indicator Explanation (suitable for IPS-2000NPlus)
Status LED Indicator Explanation
Power ON(Red) Red light On, power source is connected
Line/FXO(Blue) Blue light flash, PSTN line is in use
Tel/FXS(Blue) Blue light flash, Telephone line is in use
SIP/Reg (Blue) Blue light On, Registration successful
LAN(LAN1)(Blue) Blue light On, LAN(LAN1) is connected
WAN(LAN2)(Blue) Blue light On, WAN(LAN2) is connected
2.4.3 Quick Startup and Registration Guide
[ Step 1 Startup]
Plug into the power outlet, the power indicator turns on means the IPS-2000 Series is activated, followed by
the Tel/ FXS and SIP/ Reg indicator lights blinking, and then the LAN indicators turn on (LAN/LAN1
Indicator lights on, WAN/LAN2 Indicator lights on). When the stated indicators are turned on, the startup is
completed and it is connected to the Internet.