IPS-2000 Series User’s Manual/使用手冊
Drop Prefix Default to “No”.
- No (Add): When the dialing pattern matched, add to dialing number as a
- Yes (Replace): When the dialing pattern matched, replace matched dialing
Replace rule1 ~ 4 Set dial plan criteria
+: OR, multiple patterns can be separated with “+” which represents “OR”
x: represents 1 digit, xxx represent 3 digits
Auto Dial Time Set waiting how many seconds to dial out after entered all phone number
digits without enter the “#”sign.
3.2.5 Forward Setting
To configure the settings of the Forward Setting.
Forward Setting
Field Name Description
All Forward
Always forward. Every call will be forwarded to the telephone number in the
“All Fwd No.”-“URL” field.
Busy Forward
If a call comes in when line is busy, call will be forwarded to the telephone
number in the “Busy Fwd No.”-“URL” field.
No Answer Forward
If a call comes in with no answer after certain of rings, call will be forward to
the telephone number in the “No Answer Fwd No.”-“URL” filed.
All Fwd No
Enter the name and telephone number for forwarding.
Busy Fwd No
Enter the name and telephone number for forwarding when line is busy.
No Answer Fwd No
Enter the name and telephone number for forwarding when no answer.
No Answer Fwd Time
Set how many rings before a call times out.