
This guide describes how to use the Transcend ATM and VLAN Network
Management application.
Introduction The ATM and VLAN Management Guide describes the features and
functionalities that are implemented using the ATM and VLAN
Management Tools.
This guide is intended for the Network Administrator who is responsible
for configuring, using and managing ATM and Virtual LANs in a network
that may include a wide range of 3COM equipment as well as equipment
from other manufacturers. It assumes a working knowledge of ATM
Networks and a familiarity with HP OpenView, NNM, Netview or Sunnet
for UNIX.
If the information in the Release Notes shipped with your product differs
from the information in this guide, follow the Release Notes.
How to Use
This Guide
The ATM and VLAN Management User Guide guide is divided into two
parts. Part 1 contains an overview of the application and its
features.General network management principles that apply to the
application and explanations of how the application works are also
Part 2 contains procedural information and describes all the network
management tasks in the ATM and VLAN Management application
Table 1 shows where to find specific information.