Platform (NMP)
Window-based data-base tool for Network Management, e.g., SunNet
Manager, HP OpenView, NetView/6000
Management Station
Workstation from which the Network is managed using the Network
Management System
Management System
Application of Network Management Platform for a specific Network.
Runs on the Network Management Station.
P-NNI Private Network-Node Interface. Set of ATM Forum developed
specifications for the interface between two ATM nodes in the same
PVC Permanent Virtual Channel. A virtual channel connection that has been
established manually, in advance of its need.
SmartAgent Software embedded in LinkSwitch or CELLplex units which
communicates with and passes device information to the Network
Management System.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A protocol originally designed
to be used in managing TCP/IP internets. SNMP is presently
implemented on a wide variety of computers and networking
equipment and may be used to manage many aspects of network and
end-station operation. The standard protocol used by the ATM
Manager to request management data from a managed device.
SVC Switched Virtual Channel. A virtual channel connection that has been
UNI User-Network Interface. ATM Forum developed specification for the
procedures and protocol between a user equipment and the ATM
Network to effectively utilize ATM services and capabilities.
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier. Part of the identifier of a particular virtual
circuit in the ATM fabric.
VPI Virtual Path Identifier. Part of the identifier of a particular virtual circuit
in the ATM fabric.
VLAN Virtual LAN. A network configuration in which users communicate
using LAN protocols as if they were on the same physical LAN, but in