VC Path Assistant: SNMP SET error -
[SNMP status] - in device -[device IP
address]. Operation aborted.
error Retry operation
VC Path Assistant: SNMP GET error -
[SNMP status] - in device -[device IP
address]. Operation aborted.
error Retry operation
VC Path Assistant: Invalid VPI/VCI pair
- [vpi-vci]. Operation aborted.
error Re-enter vpi vci
VC Path Assistant: Invalid VPI - [vpi].
Operation aborted.
error Re-enter vpi
VC Path Assistant: Invalid VCI - [vci].
Operation aborted.
error Re-enter vci
VC Path Assistant: Invalid entry -
[entry value]. Operation aborted.
error Re-enter entry
VC Path Assistant: AAL5 parameters
setting window is not available in this
info None
VC Path Assistant: Traffic parameters
setting window is not available in this
info None
LECS Configuration: SNMP SET error -
[SNMP status] - for LECS - [lecs].
Operation aborted.
error None
Backbone Services Configuration:
ELAN ID changed for LES [LES ATM
address]. Remove this address from
LECS before you can use the new ID.
warning Remove the address and
re-open the window.
Backbone Services Configuration:
Cannot find ELAN ID for backup
address of ELAN ID - [ELAN ID].
Changing backup to default.
warning None
Backbone Services Configuration:
Cannot delete (ELAN) because admin
uses it. No ELANs deleted.
warning None
Backbone Services Configuration:
Cannot delete (ELAN) because default
uses it. No ELANs deleted.
warning None
Backbone Services Configuration:
Cannot delete (ELAN) because it’s the
backup of admin/backup [VLAN]. No
ELANs deleted.
warning None
Table B-1 System Messages
Message Type Meaning Action