ATMvLAN Devices Configuration:
Invalid IP address
error Change IP address.
ATMvLAN Devices Configuration:
Invalid Community string
error Change Community string.
VirtualLANs Configuration: No VLAN
IDs found. Operation aborted.
error Application needs LAN
Emulation Services (LES) and
they are not defined on the
Enable at least one LES and
then try again
VirtualLANs Configuration: Cannot
open file VnRgb for writing:
permission denied. Operation aborted.
error Change file writing
VirtualLANs Configuration: No blanks
allowed in VLAN name. The VLAN will
be [truncated name].
warning Re-enter VLAN name.
VirtualLANs Configuration: VLAN must
have its VLAN ID as one its names.
Name not deleted.
VLAN Move: Trying to move LEC
segment - [segment number] - to
WorkGroup - [WorkGroup]. Segment
warning Select a different VLAN.
VLAN Move: Trying to move
WorkGroup segment - [segment
number]- to - ELAN/[VLAN]. Segment
warning Select a different VLAN.
VLAN Move: Select segments from
one device only. Operation aborted.
error You cannot create a local
VLAN on more than one
device in one action. Use a
separate Move command for
each device.
VLAN Move: Operation completed
successfully for device - [device IP
info None
VLAN Move: No P2C found in device -
[device IP address]. Device skipped.
error Check the P2C card.
VLAN Move: SNMP GET error - [SNMP
status]- in device -[device IP address].
Device skipped.
error Wait for the ATMVLAN maps
to refresh. Check the VLAN
maps for results of the
previous operation and then
Table B-1 System Messages
Message Type Meaning Action