This chapter describes how to perform the following ATM and VLAN
Management network configuration tasks using various configuration
The following topics are described:
■ Configuring Manual Device Discovery
■ Configuring LAN Emulation Services
■ LANE Redundancy Planning and Setup Guidelines
■ Configuring VLAN Aliases and Colors
■ Configuring Policy-based VLAN Auto-configuration
■ Configuring and Using the MACvDB
■ Configuring IP Subnet-based VLAN Auto-configuration
■ Configuring or Viewing Administrative Status of ATM and VLAN
■ Configuring PVCs
Manual Device
When running the ATM and VLAN Manager, devices are discovered
automatically from the platform database. The application can also be
configured to manually discover devices if you encounter difficulties with
automatic device discovery from the platform database or if you want to
work in the stand-alone mode. The application can either run in the
manual discovery mode or automatic discovery mode. In the manual
discovery mode, the application will read a static device file that is
manually created using the manual discovery configuration screen.
The Manual Discovery Setup allows you to do the following:
■ add devices from the database
■ delete devices from the database