Bandwidth Tool
The Bandwidth icon opens the Network Node Interface Traffic Tool, NNIx,
(see Figure 1-19), and displays all the ATM switches and traffic patterns
on the NNI and UNI levels of switches. The NNIx Browser and Maps
provide a graphical display of the network link utilization. You can also
display the percentage of traffic on the network using the NNIx Maps.
The Bandwidth Tool is organized based on enhanced Interswitch Interim
Signalling Protocol (IISP) address hierarchy. This tool is used to log the
traffic information to a file, so that historical network-wide NNI link level
data can be gathered and displayed. The Bandwidth tool is also used to
graphically display errors on NNI links across the networks.
See Chapter 7 for a detailed description of the Bandwidth Tool.
Path Assistant Opens up the Path window for the
selected branches. Performs the same
action as when you select two icons and
then select ATMvLAN -> Path Assistant in
the ATM and VLAN management maps.
Help Opens up the on-line Help files to help you
use the ATM and VLAN Management
Icon Display Icon Name Description