■ clear the entire database
You can sort all the device types according to all the fields contained in
the ATM and VLAN Devices database.
After you modify, change, add or delete devices from the ATM and VLAN
database you must restart the application for the modifications to take
Using the Manual
Device Discovery
To discover devices manually, you need to set the discovery mode to
Manual Discovery mode. Select the Manual Discovery toggle in the
Manual Discovery Setup window. See Figure 4-1. You must also enable
Manual Discovery mode either through a customization file or the
NMSetup Wizard. See Chapter 1, Figure 1-35.
After the mode is set, the device database must be manually populated
using the manual discovery database configuration assistant.
Once the database is populated, the ATM and VLAN application must be
restarted to recognize the newly entered devices.
If you select automatic (platform) discovery from the Manual Discovery
window, changes entered manually are overwritten by the platform
To use the Manual Device Discovery Tool:
From the Root window, select the ATM Devices icon and then select the
Configuration Assistant from the ATMvLAN menu, or in the Topology
Browser, select an ATMvLAN Device branch and then select the
Configuration icon.