Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 406 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

General information
Intended use
The Micropaq
monitor is intended to be used by clinicians for single or multiparameter
vital signs monitoring of ambulatory and nonambulatory pediatric and adult patients in
health care facilities. The monitor is able to withstand light rain exposure over short
periods of time (uniform distribution of approximately 1 mm of water per minute for 10
minutes or less).
The Micropaq monitor is intended to operate with an Acuity
Central Monitoring System
through wireless communication over the Welch Allyn
network. FlexNet
connects multiple devices to the Acuity Central Monitoring System through hardwired
Ethernet networks and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). If the Micropaq monitor
is moved out of range or loses communication with the FlexNet network, it continues to
monitor the patient, display patient data, and generate local patient alarms or alert
The ECG channel is intended primarily for five-lead ECG monitoring, although
three-lead ECG monitoring is supported.
The Pulse Oximetry channel is intended for continuous noninvasive monitoring of
functional oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin (SpO
) and pulse rate
(measured by an SpO
The most likely locations for patients monitored by this device are step-down units,
telemetry departments, general medical/surgical floors, emergency departments, and in-
hospital transport.
This guide was written for clinicians. Although this guide may describe some monitoring
techniques, Welch Allyn expects that the operator is a trained clinician who knows how to
take and interpret a patient’s vital signs.
Federal USA law restricts sale of the device identified in this manual to, or on the order of,
a licensed medical practitioner.