Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 406 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Alarms & alerts
About alarms and alerts
Alarms provide a warning about a patient condition (such as a vital sign limit violation).
Alerts provide a warning about an equipment condition that needs attention (such as a
low battery or detached ECG lead).
Alarms and alerts may be detected either by the monitor or by the network. While
connected to the network, alarms or alerts are displayed at the monitor and at the Acuity
Central Station. Alarms have a higher priority than alerts.
Alarm holdoffs
To help minimize false alarms, the monitor briefly delays or “holds off” triggering alarms
for limit violations for HR/PR or SpO
. After the alarm holdoff period begins, if the monitor
detects that the patient’s vital sign has returned to acceptable limits, the monitor cancels
the alarm holdoff. The next time a vital sign limit is violated, the monitor starts a new
holdoff period.
Vital Sign Alarm Holdoff Period
HR 3 seconds
% SpO
or PR 10 seconds