Exercise Diary Settings
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1–4.
5. Diary view On: Enables you to follow the progress of your weekly burned calories during exercise sessions in the Exercise Diary.
Diary view Off: Exercise Diary is not accessible.
Switch the view On or Off with the / buttons. Press OK.
6. Press to proceed with the Diary Settings.
Extra Diary Settings
The Extra Diary menu can be used for following a value that you define yourself (such as your waist circumference).
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1–4.
5. Diary view On: Enables you to follow the progress of your chosen value (for example, waist circumference) in Extra Diary.
Diary view Off: Extra Diary is not accessible.
Switch the view On or Off with the / buttons. Press OK.
If you choose Off, skip steps 6–8.
6. Increase Rate: Use the / buttons to set the accuracy of your definable value (0.5 or 1). This accuracy is used
when you update the Diary. Press OK.
7. Target: Use the / buttons to set the target value you want to reach.
If you set your target to 0, Extra Diary does not use the graphical trend display. Press OK.
8. Reset: Use the / buttons to set how often you want the wrist unit to reset your value to zero (daily or weekly)
or select Manual to do it yourself. If you choose to reset the value manually, Extra Diary does not use the graphical trend
display and the Extra Diary File is not accessible. Press OK.
Note: If you use Extra Diary for monitoring your waist circumference, select manual resetting.
9. Press to proceed with the Diary Settings.