Tot. Cal
The date when total cumulative calories were last reset.
Total cumulative calories burned during several exercise sessions, commencing from
the previous resetting.
Note: When you have burned 999 999 kcal (or cal), the total cumulative calories are automatically reset to zero.
Tot. Time
The date when total cumulative time was last reset.
Total cumulative exercise time for several exercise sessions, commencing from the previous resetting.
Note: When you have exercised 9999 huors and 59 minutes, the total cumulative time is automatically reset to zero.
Press and hold the Back button until the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display.
Note: Your exercise information is saved only if the stopwatch has been on for more than one minute.
Resetting the Total Time or Calories to Zero
Reset these counters to zero to use them as an exercise time or caloric indicator. For example, if you reset them monthly,
you can monitor your monthly running totals.
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1–4.
5. Use the or button and scroll to the display showing Tot. Time or Tot. Cal.
6. Press OK. Tot. Time or Tot. Cal Reset? is displayed.
7. Press OK. The wrist unit asks: Are you sure?
8. Press OK. Or, if you want to cancel the reset, press the Back button.
9. Press and hold the Back button until the wrist unit returns to the Time of Day display.
Note: Resetting these values does not reset the exercise calories recorded in Your Diary File.