The Suunto D3 provides no calculations for no-fl y times. However, Divers Alert
Network (DAN) recommends the following on no-fl ying times:
• A minimum surface interval of 12 hours would be required in order to
be reasonably assured a diver will remain symptom free upon ascent to
altitude in a commercial jetliner (altitude up to 2400 m [8000 ft]).
• Divers who plan to make daily, multiple dives for several days,
or make dives that require decompression stops, should take spe-
cial precautions and wait for an extended interval beyond 12 hours
before fl ight. Further, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical So-
ciety (UHMS) suggests divers using standard air tanks and exhib-
iting no symptoms of decompression illness wait 24 hours after
their last dive to fl y in an aircraft with cabin pressure up to 2400 m
[8000 ft]. The only two exceptions to this recommendation are:
• If a diver had less than 2 hours total accumulated dive time in the last 48
hours, then a 12 hour surface interval before fl ying is recommended.
• Following any dive that required a decompression stop, fl ying should
be delayed for at least 24 hours, and if possible, for 48 hours.
• Suunto recommends that fl ying is avoided until the DAN and UHMS
guidelines are met.