Life Fitness T30/T35 Treadmill User Manual

This workout is designed to maintain a recommended target heart rate at 65 percent of the theoretical maximum† for
optimal results. Throughout the workout, the user wears a chest strap. The console continuously monitors and displays
the heart rate, adjusting the intensity level of the treadmill to reach and maintain the target. This system eliminates over-
and under-training, and it maximizes the aerobic benefits of exercise by using the body's fat stores for fuel.
This is a higher-intensity workout for more fit users, emphasizing cardiovascular benefits and maximum fat burning. It is
virtually identical to FAT BURN, except that the recommended target heart rate is calculated at 80% of a theoretical max-
imum to place a heavier workload on the heart muscle.
NOTE: Change the target heart rate at any time during a workout by using the ARROW keys.