Warm Up Excercises
Wrist Extensor
Extend your right arm in
front of you with your palm
up and your elbow straight.
Point your ngertips toward
the oor by bending at the
wrist. Using your left hand,
pull the back of your right
hand toward you gently.
Hold for 20 seconds; repeat
three to ve times with each
Triceps Stretch
Place your right hand behind
your head, palm facing your
head. With your left hand,
grasp your right elbow and
pull downward until you feel
a stretch in the back of your
right arm. Hold for 20 sec-
onds; repeat three to ve
times with each arm.
Piriformis Stretch
Lie on your back. Bend your
right knee and lift it halfway
to your chest. Grasp your
knee with your left hand and
pull it toward your left shoul-
der, keeping both buttocks
against the oor. Hold for 20
seconds; repeat three to ve
times with each leg.
Groin (Adductors) Stretch
Sitting with your back
straight, bring the soles of
your feet together. Let your
knees lower toward the oor.
Hold for 30-60 seconds or
until muscles feel looser.
One-Arm Pectoralis
Stand against an immobile
structure like a wall or a tree.
While facing the wall, raise
your right hand out to your
side at chest height, palm
against the wall. Turn your
body toward the left, away
from the wall and your ex-
tended arm, until you feel a
stretch. Hold for 20 seconds;
repeat three to ve times
with each arm.
WARNING! Before beginning this or any exercise program, you should consult your physi-
cian. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or individuals with pre-ex-
isting health problems.
Wrist Flexor
Extend your right arm in front
of you, palm down, elbow
straight. Point your ngertips
toward the oor by bending
at the wrist. Using your left
hand, pull your right palm to-
ward you gently. Hold for 20
seconds; repeat three to ve
times with each arm.