460 SeriesfOwner’s Manual
Workout Programs (continued)
display as desired.
• The time will count down from 3:00.
The pulse display will display the heart rate if a valid pulse signal is detected.
• The resistance will begin at Level 1; during the Cool Down it can be adjusted
between Levels 1 through 5 only.
• To skip the Cool Down section and re-start the program, press the “START” key
at any time.
• To end the workout and reset the console, press and hold the “RESET” button.
Ending the Program
When 3 minutes have elapsed, the Cool Down will end and the console will go to the
workout summary.
Getting Started
After the exercise program and Cool Down have ended, the console will display the
final workout data before resetting. When the Cool Down ends, the Summary data will
During the Program
Data Display
• During the summary the following data will be available for display:
o Workout Program time
o Total Calories
o Total Distance
• The resistance can not be adjusted during this summary.
Ending the Pr
To end the workout summary you may press and hold the “RESET” key to reset the con-
sole or press the “START” key to re-start the program.
Getting Started
The Manual program allows you to build your own exercise profile. You should be sure
to include a Warm Up and Cool Down period during your workout since these modes
are skipped in the Manual program.
Beginning the Program
During the idle mode, the dot matrix window displays “DB”. To begin this program,
press the “PROGRAMS” key until the “Manual” program LED indicator is lit..