46 G7 ASD Operation Manual
PG Position — Displays the Pulse Generator Position.
RR — Displays the RR input value as a percentage of the full range of the RR value (potentiometer
*VI/II — Displays the VI/II input setting as a percentage of the full range of the VI/II value.
Note: * The VI/II input represents two analog inputs (and terminals). The VI input
terminal is used for a 0 – 10 VDC analog signal and the II input terminal is used
for current loop applications, such as with a 4-20 mA signal. Either may be used
as a frequency or torque command source; however, the two cannot function
simultaneously. Throughout this manual they will be listed as VI/II.
RX — Displays the RX input setting as a percentage of the full range of the RX value (-10 to
+10 VDC input).
RX2 — Displays the RX2 input setting as a percentage of the full range of the RX2 value.
Note: The RX2 function is available on the ASD-Multicom option board only.
FM — Displays the output frequency value as a percentage of the full range of the FM value.
AM — Displays the output current as a percentage of the full range of the AM value.
Option Type — Displays the type form number of the installed ASD-Multicom option board.
Option Term A — TBD.
Option Term B — TBD.
Option Term O — TBD.
Option Term P — TBD.
Max. Output — TBD.
Pattern Select — Active Group Number and Speed Number separated by a period (e.g., 2.3).
Repeats Left — Number of remaining Speed cycles in the active Group.
Pattern — Active Speed Number of the Group.
Pattern Time Left — Time remaining in the active Speed.
Fault Status — Displays the current fault or No Fault.