
Chapter 10. Plugins 66
10 Plugins
Plugins are programs that Rockbox can load and run. Only one plugin can be loaded at
a time. Plugins have exclusive control over the user interface. This means you cannot
switch back and forth between a plugin and Rockbox. When a plugin is loaded, you
need to exit it to return to the Rockbox interface. Most plugins will not interfere with
music playback but some of them will stop playback while running. Plugins have the
file extension .rock. Most of them can be started from Browse Plugins in the Main
Viewer plugins get started automatically by opening an associated file (i.e. text files,
chip8 games), or from the Open with option on the Context Menu.
10.1 Games
See also the Chip-8 emulator in section 10.3.2 (page 111) and Rockboy in section 10.3.7
(page 115).
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series