Chapter 10. Plugins 117
The Viewer’s Menu
Quit Exits the plugin.
Viewer Options Encoding sets the codepage in the text viewer. Available settings:
UTF-8 (Unicode), BIG5 (Traditional Chinese), KSX-1001 (Korean), GB-
2312 (Simple Chinese), SJIS (Japanese), CP1250 (Central European), ISO-
8859-2 (Latin Extended), ISO-8859-9 (Turkish), ISO-8859-6 (Arabic), ISO-
8859-11 (Thai), CP1251 (Cyrillic), ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew), ISO-8859-7 (Greek),
ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1). This setting only applies to the plugin and is inde-
pendent from the Default Codepage setting (see section ?? (page ??)).
Word Wrap toggles between Wrap and Chop.
Off (Chop Words) breaks lines at white space or hyphen.
On breaks lines at the maximum column limit.
Line Mode cycles through Normal, Join and Expand and Reflow Lines.
Reflow Lines justifies the text fully.
Expand adds a blank line. Useful for making the paragraphs clearer in some
book style text files.
Join joins lines. Useful for adopting the orphans that occur with e-mail style
(i.e. pre-wrapped) text files.
Normal breaks lines at newline characters.
Wide View toggles between Narrow and Wide.
Yes sets maximum column to 114. Useful for navigating large files. (Cur-
rently, Wide and Join cannot be selected together.)
No (Narrow) sets maximum column to the screen width.
Show Scrollbar toggles scrollbar for the current View mode. If the file fits on one
screen, there is no scrollbar and toggling this setting has no effect.
On has a scrollbar by default, until toggled.
Off has no scrollbar by default, until toggled.
Overlap Pages toggles between Normal and Overlap.
Yes tells page-down/page-up to retain one line from previous screen.
No sets page-down/page-up to one full screen.
Scroll Mode controls the function of the “Scroll-up” and “Scroll-down” buttons.
Scroll by Line
Scroll by Page
Auto-scroll Speed controls the speed of auto-scrolling in number of lines per scroll
step, available options are 1 to 10 lines. As an example, a setting of 4 will
scroll up the text four lines per second.
Show Playback Menu controls the playback of the currently loaded playlist and change
the volume of your playerwithout leaving the plugin.
Return to the text view.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series