Chapter 8. General Settings 60
Max Playlist Size: This setting controls the maximum size of a playlist. The playlist
size can be between 1,000 and 32,000 files, in steps of 1,000 (default is 10,000).
Higher values will shorten the music buffer, so you should increase this setting only
if you have very large playlists.
8.5.6 Car Adapter Mode
This option turns On and Off the car ignition auto stop function.
Car Adapter Mode: When using the player in a car, Car Adapter Mode automat-
ically stops playback on the player when power (i.e. from cigarette lighter power
adapter) to the external DC in jack is turned off. If the Car Adapter Mode
is set to On, Rockbox will pause playback when the external power off condition
is detected. Rockbox will then shutdown the player after the length of time set
in the Idle Poweroff setting (see above). If power to the DC in jack is turned
back on before the Idle Poweroff function has shut the player off, playback will be
resumed 5 seconds after the power is applied. This delay is to allow for the time
while the car engine is being started.
Once the player is shut off either manually, or automatically with the Idle Poweroff
function, it must be powered up manually to resume playback.
8.5.7 Button Light Timeout
This setting controls the amount of time the button lights shine after a button press. If
set to Off, the LEDs will not light when a button is pressed. If set to On, the lights
will never shut off. If set to a time (1 to 120 seconds), the buttons will stay lit for that
amount of time after a button press.
8.5.8 Button Light Brightness
Changes the brightness of the button lights.
8.6 Bookmarking
Bookmarks allow you to save your current position within a track so that you can return
to it at a later time. Bookmarks are saved on a per directory basis (for dynamic playlists)
or for individual (saved) playlists. They are stored next to the directory/playlist they
reference. You can store multiple bookmarks for the same track.
Bookmark on Stop. This option controls whether Rockbox writes a bookmark to the
disk when playback is stopped. Setting this to No turns automatic bookmarking
completely off. In contrast Yes turns automatic bookmarking on while Ask asks
on stopping the track if a bookmark should be created. With the above options
Yes and Ask if there is an existing .bmark file the current position information
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series