Chapter 8. General Settings 61
will be added to the front of the existing list, up to the maximum number of allowed
bookmarks per file (currently 10). If no .bmark file exists, one will be created with
the new bookmark information. Finally, if the Maintain a list of Recently
Used Bookmarks option is enabled, the bookmarking information will be added
to recent bookmarks list.
Yes – Recent Only. Turns on automatic bookmarking – One bookmark only
Ask – Recent Only. Asks if a bookmark should be created when stopping track –
One bookmark only
With the two Recent Only options, nothing is written to the .bmark file. If
the Maintain a list of Recently Used Bookmarks option is enabled, the
bookmarking information will however be added to recent bookmarks list.
Note: The Resume function remembers your position in the most recently ac-
cessed track regardless of how the Bookmark on Stop option is set.
Load Last Bookmark. When the Load Last Bookmark option is set to Yes, Rock-
box automatically returns to the position of the last bookmark within a file when
that file is played.
When the Load Last Bookmark option is set to Ask, Rockbox will give the user
the option of starting from the beginning of the track of or from the bookmark.
When the Load Last Bookmark option is set to No, playback always starts
from the beginning of the track, and the user must play the bookmark or use the
Load Bookmark function in the Main Menu, while the file is playing, to resume
at the bookmarked location.
Maintain a list of Recently Used Bookmarks. This list of Most Recent Bookmarks
(MRB’s) may be accessed through the Recent Bookmarks option of the Book-
marks sub menu of the Main Menu. When set to Yes each new bookmark will be
added to the MRB list. Setting this to No disables the addition of bookmarks to
the MRB list. Unique Only behaves like the Yes setting but in addition all older
entries for the current (dynamic) playlist will be removed from the MRB whenever
a new entry is added.
Bookmark Actions context menu. When viewing any bookmark list, pressing the stan-
dard context menu key (Long Select) will bring up the Bookmark Actions context
Resume will commence playback of the currently-selected bookmark entry.
Delete will remove just the currently-selected bookmark entry from the list.
8.7 Language
This setting controls the language of the Rockbox user interface. Selecting a language
will activate it. The language files must be in the /.rockbox/langs/ directory. See
section 11.1.3 (page 133) for further details about languages.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series