Appendix B. WPS Tags 143
B.3 Power Related Information
Tag Description
%bl Show numeric battery level in percent.
Can also be used in a conditional: %?bl<-1|0|1|2|...|N>
Where the -1 value is used when the battery level isn’t known (it usually is).
%bv Show the battery level in volts
%bt Show estimated battery time left
%bp “p” if the charger is connected
(only on targets that can charge batteries)
%bc “c” if the unit is currently charging the battery
(only on targets that have software charge control or monitoring)
%bs Sleep timer. Shows the remaining time if the sleeptimer is set
B.4 File Info
Tag Description
%fb File Bitrate (in kbps)
%fc File Codec (e.g. “MP3” or “FLAC”). This tag can also be used in a condi-
tional tag, %?fc<mp1|mp2|mp3|aiff|wav|vorbis|flac|mpc|a52|wavpack|alac-
The codec order is as follows: MP1, MP2, MP3, AIFF, WAV,Ogg Vorbis
(OGG), FLAC, MPC, AC3, WavPack (WV), ALAC, AAC,Shorten (SHN),
%ff File Frequency (in Hz)
%fm File Name
%fn File Name (without extension)
%fp File Path
%fs File Size (In Kilobytes)
%fv “(avg)” if variable bit rate or “” if constant bit rate
%d1 First directory from end of file path.
%d2 Second directory from end of file path.
%d3 Third directory from end of file path.
Example for the %dN commands: If the path is “/Rock/Kent/Isola/11 - 747.mp3”, %d1
is “Isola”, %d2 is “Kent” . . . You get the picture.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series