Chapter 4. Browsing and playing 22
4.1.1 File Browser Controls
Key Action
Up/Down Go to previous/next item in list. If you
are on the first/last entry, the cursor will
wrap to the last/first entry.
Left Go to the parent directory.
Select or Right Executes the default action on the se-
lected file or enters a directory.
A If there is an audio file playing, returns
to the While Playing Screen (WPS)
without stopping playback.
Power Stops audio playback.
Long Select Enter the Context Menu
Menu Enter the Main Menu
Long Menu Switches to the Quick Screen (see sec-
tion 5.11 (page 41))
4.1.2 Context Menu
Figure 4.2: The Context Menu
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series