Scanning Mode The scanner is energized, programmed and ready to read a
bar code.
Scanning Sequence A method of programming or configuring parameters for a
bar code reading system by scanning bar code menus.
SDK Software Development Kit
Self-Checking Code A symbology that uses a checking algorithm to detect
encoding errors within the characters of a bar code symbol.
Shared Key Shared Key authentication is an algorithm where both the
AP and the MU share an authentication key.
SHIP Symbol Host Interface Program.
SMDK Symbol Mobility Developer Kit.
Soft Reset See Warm Boot.
Space The lighter element of a bar code formed by the background
between bars.
Spectrum24 Symbol’s frequency-hopping, spread spectrum cellular
Spectrum One Symbol’s implementation of the Spread Spectrum wireless
network, utilizing direct sequencing.
Specular Reflection The mirror-like direct reflection of light from a surface,
which can cause difficulty decoding a bar code.
Spread Spectrum A technique for uniformly distributing the information
content of a radio signal over a frequency range larger than
normally required for robust transmission of data.
Spreading the signal without adding additional information
adds significant redundancy, which allows the data to be
recovered in the presence of strong interfering signals such
as noise and jamming signals. The primary advantage of
spread spectrum technology is its ability to provide robust
communications in the presence of interfering signals.
Spring Radio Protocol A radio protocol that may be used by the Symbol
Spectrum24 radio card. Symbol Radio cards that use the
Spring protocol also have an Net ID.
Start/Stop Character A pattern of bars and spaces that provides the scanner with
start and stop reading instructions and scanning direction.
The start and stop characters are normally to the left and
right margins of a horizontal code.