
MC9000-G with Windows
Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs PRG
The Automatic Power Saving Mode switches to Best Network Performance when an AC
power supply is detected. If a battery is used, an appropriate setting between Best Network
Performance and Acceptable Network Performance is automatically chosen based on a real-
time analysis of network usage. The Automatic Power Saving Mode is the default setting
and extends the operating time before the battery is recharged.
The Manual Power Saving Mode allows you to select a performance level suited to intended
operation. There are six settings ranging from the Best Network Performance (using the
most battery power) to Acceptable Network Performance (using the least battery power). A
network performance description is displayed for each power range.
10. Tap OK to implement power consumption changes for the mobile computer profile.
To view the status of the wireless network connection, select Status from the Mobile Companion
1. Select the Signal tab to display a real-time graph of the signal quality of the mobile
computer to the associated AP (Infrastructure Mode only). The number of times the mobile
computer has roamed to and from APs, the current data rate, and the network status are
displayed. Signal quality is an indicator of how clearly the adapter can hear the associated
Figure 5-8. Mobile Companion - Signal Tab